11 December 2024
Walker Takes Pride in Party’s $10m
Commitment to the LGBTQIA+ Community
Hon. Dr Brian Walker MLC, leader of the Legalise Cannabis WA Party, has announced a major funding commitment of $10m to better encourage equality and social acceptance across Western Australia.
“Labor has long promised reform in this space, but keeps coming up short,” Dr Walker explained. “That is why the Legalise Cannabis WA Party has stepped up, with a fully costed proposal to create a Minister for Equality, a cabinet-level appointment which would oversee a whole-of-government and whole-ofstate approach to equality.”
“One aspect of that new ministry will be the establishment of an LGBTQIA+ Commissioner, responsible for implementing positive changes in the way we treat our queer community, and reporting on a regular basis to both the government and the parliament on what needs to be done to ensure equity and
acceptance across society.”
The funding for the new Commission would come from a small portion of the profits expected to accrue to the state from the legalisation of cannabis, conservatively estimated to contribute at least $1.25b to the government’s coffers over the term of a future parliament.
“In an ideal world, inclusion would be as simple as observing the Golden Rule, and treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves,” Dr Walker observed. “Unfortunately, in the rough-and-tumble world of politics, it has more to do with a government’s priorities than it does with doing the right thing.”
“The Legalise Cannabis WA Party recognises the need to address issues of inequality as a matter of urgency, and calls upon other parties, whatever their political ideologies, to show an equal commitment to the safety and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community.”
“It’s great to see the government hosting consultations on inclusion, but they announced them in February, and are only just starting to hold meetings in November. It’s not good enough.”
“We have the money to make this happen now. What we lack at a governmental level is the drive.”
“Let’s put equality front and centre in the upcoming election campaign – let’s stop talking about it, and start taking real and quantifiable action.”
“Whether it’s women suffering in abusive relationships, children’s rights not being taken into account by the judicial system, or members of the LGBTQIA+ community being discriminated against, we all deserve equity and consideration by government, and the establishment of a stand-alone ministry will
go a long way to making that a reality,” Dr Walker concluded.